Wood and Rise Real Estate Group

Realtors in Eastmark, Cadence, Bella Via neighborhoods in East Valley Arizona.

Maranda Sutton

  /  Maranda Sutton

Marketing Director

Maranda Sutton

Maranda is a vibrant and dedicated professional who brings a wealth of experience in customer service and business building to the real estate world. Passionate about helping people, she is committed to creating meaningful connections and ensuring that every interaction leaves a positive impact.

Originally from Florida, Maranda has a deep love for the outdoors. Whether she’s spending time by the water or exploring nature, she finds inspiration in the beauty around her. Her creative mindset and ability to understand what truly matters to people make her an incredible asset to any team.

With a focus on authenticity and excellence, Maranda’s dedication shines through in everything she does. She’s someone who truly cares and is always ready to make a difference.