Wood and Rise Real Estate Group

Realtors in Eastmark, Cadence, Bella Via neighborhoods in East Valley Arizona.

Love Your Home

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Love Your Home

The season of love is upon us! There is no better time to give your home a recharge than Spring, the season of renewal. With a little effort, there are a few simple things homeowners can do to fall in love with their homes even more.


There are several easy renovations you can do to keep your home in top shape this Spring. It is the perfect time to clean the roof and gutters, as some summer monsoons or winter storms may have piled leaves or debris that could cause blockages in gutters or cause damage to the roof if too much moisture remains over long periods of time. Spring is also a good time to update any exterior lighting to prepare for more time spent outside. Don’t forget to replace any burnt out light bulbs or solar lights.

Another good idea is to service your air conditioner before the hot weather comes, addressing any potential issues now before the A/C is working overtime in the summer months. It could also help you save time and money by scheduling a service appointment before the rush starts.

Some experts recommend doing kitchen updates in the Spring, since people seem to spend more time outdoors when the weather is nice. This gives you the option to feel less imposed upon during any kitchen construction while also enjoying some al-fresco dining or grilling in your backyard.

Speaking of the outdoors, now is also the perfect time to spruce up the outdoor areas and prepare the space for Spring and Summer. Things like updating any patio furniture or décor, cleaning screens, windows, and doors, and even choosing the right seasonal plants or starting a garden go a long way to make an outdoor space one you will truly love.


Another popular spring-time activity is decluttering and reorganizing. One common way to go about re-defining spaces is the 20/20 rule, which says if you can replace the item 1). for less than $20 or 2). in less than 20 minutes, to get rid of it now.  Another tip is to start in easy and lived-in areas because then you’ll be able to see your progress in decluttering and reorganization every time you walk into the space, and that might even motivate you to keep going. It’s also important to remember that it is alright to do just a little bit each day, week, or month so you don’t get overwhelmed or burnt out by such a daunting task. Always keep three piles when undertaking reorganizing – 1). Keep, 2). Donate, and 3). Toss, then don’t forget to organize what is in your Keep pile so everything looks tidy and neat. Finally, now is a great time to check those expiration dates and get rid of anything that is past its prime, especially things like sunscreens, medications, cleaning supplies, and pantry items.

Interior Design


Once your home is looking its best from the reorganization and cleaning, another way to fall in love again with your home is to make affordable updates to the interior design and décor. Perhaps you’d enjoy a fun Spring tablescape or Spring wreath on your front door. Another way to get into the lighter décor of the season is to include more pastel colors and floral patterns in things like throw pillows, hand towels, and even paint selections or wallpaper.

Hopefully all these tips will help you feel like your home is your sanctuary this Spring!