Wood and Rise Real Estate Group

Realtors in Eastmark, Cadence, Bella Via neighborhoods in East Valley Arizona.

Hannah Burnett

  /  Hannah Burnett

Marketing Director

Hannah Burnett

Hannah Burnett is originally from Washington State and found her home in Arizona after moving in 2016. As the Marketing Director for Wood & Rise Real Estate Group, Hannah brings a unique blend of creativity and business acumen to the table. She has a deep passion for artistic endeavors, particularly painting, and pottery, which fuels her imaginative approach to marketing strategies.

Eager to continue her personal growth and education, Hannah has set her sights on Arizona State University. In the upcoming fall, she will embark on a journey to study Psychology while also taking business and marketing classes.

She continues her love for exercise by swimming and running recreationally, as well as weightlifting. With a natural affinity for helping others and an inherent charisma, Hannah excels in building relationships and providing exceptional customer service. She combines her love for creativity and upcoming education in psychology and business to deliver outstanding results.

With her dedication to client satisfaction and exceptional communication skills, she is an indispensable member of the Wood & Rise Real Estate Group, ensuring that every client’s real estate journey is both successful and enjoyable.